Hedrick Public Library Bylaws

Policy XI

Services and Policies

Revised January 2021


XI. Services and Policies


    A. Hours of Operation are as follows:

Monday 2:00 to 6:00 pm

Tuesday 2:00 to 5:00 pm

Wednesday 12:30 to 6:00 pm

Thursday 2:00 to 6:00 pm

Friday 2:00 to 5:30 pm

Saturday 8:30 to 11:30 am


      1. Scheduled Holiday Closings:

New Year’s Day

Martin Luther King Jr Day

Presidents Day

Memorial Day

Independence Day

Labor Day

Veteran’s Day

Thanksgiving Day & the day after

       Christmas Day and & the day after


 2.  Other closings or special hours for whatever reason may arise will be at the discretion of the librarian and the Board of Trustees. 

B. Meeting room use—The use of the library by outside groups is limited to the Benton Township Trustees and the Hedrick City Council for their regular meetings. Other groups may use the library with the permission of the Library Board of Trustees.


C. Inter-Library Loans and SILO

1) The librarian will request materials for a patron from other Iowa libraries, if the material is not available in the collection.


2) The library shall loan its materials to other libraries, when such a request is received on a standard Inter-library loan form.


D. Fines are ten cents for each book, for each day it is overdue.

1) The librarian will contact patron of overdue materials by phone or mail. A reasonable amount of time can find lost materials.


2) If materials are not returned, the Library Board of Trustees may send a letter to the patron asking for reimbursement of lost or damaged items.


3) Collection of delinquent fines and materials is left to the discretion of the Library director and the Board of Trustees.


E. Printed books and magazines

1) Patrons may check out up to six items at a time.


2) Printed materials are due back after two weeks and may be renewed by phone.


3) Printed materials by be placed in the book drop box after hours.


F. Audio books

1) Patrons may check up to six books on tape at a time.


2) Books on tape are due back after two weeks, may be renewed and returned to the front desk during open hours.


3) There is a $1.00 fine for each audio book placed in the book drop.


4) $1.00 fine will be charged for each audio book. For each day it is overdue.


G. Movies

1) Patrons must be at least ten years old and in good standing—meaning all materials are returned in good time and in good condition, and there are no outstanding fines, etc.


2) Patrons may check out up to two movies at time (this does not count toward the six-item limit.)


3) Movie are due back four days after checking out day and are renewable for another four-day period by phone.


4) Movies must be returned to the desk during open hours. There will be a $1.00 fine for each movie placed in the book drop.


5) A $1.00 fine will be charged for each movie, for each day it is overdue.